Clear Communication

Course code

Learn everything you need to know about good customer service in our communication skills course.

Benefits of this course:

  • Receive practical tips and tricks for good verbal and written communication.
  • Develop key skills that can be used within the workplace.
  • Understand the right words to use and when.

Being able to communicate clearly when you write and speak will help you to succeed at work, reduce stress and make customers happy. With this concise Clear Communication course we’ll give you lots of opportunities to practice and develop key skills for speaking and writing, to make your life easier.

On completing this course you will understand:

  • What good verbal and written communication is – practical tips and tricks.
  • Which are the right words to use and what they mean.
  • What using plain English means.
  • How to make your communications useful, complete and correct.
More Information
Average Rating 3.24
Number of Reviews 278
Core Sector Hospitality, Retail, Business, Distribution, Charity, Vendor selling to retailers
Sub-sector Restaurant, Hotel, Clothing, Quick Service Restaurant, Pub/bar, Catering, Events, Electrical, Entertainment, Apprenticeships, Fitness, Health, Home/DIY, Beauty, Fashion, Grocery, Leisure, Sport
Business Outcomes Development, Induction/Onboarding, Performance, Sales, Service
Skill Type/Topic Appraisals, Buying/Merchandising, Coaching, Communication, Teamwork, Management, Problem Solving, Equality, Immigration
Author Upskill People
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Why choose an Upskill People course?

  • Study in your own time using our interactive learning portal.
  • Works from any device.
  • All courses are written by industry experts.
  • Media-rich course videos.
  • Easy to implement skills and knowledge in real life.

Why choose an Upskill People course?

  • Study in your own time using our interactive learning portal.
  • Works from any device.
  • All courses are written by industry experts.
  • Media-rich course videos.
  • Easy to implement skills and knowledge in real life.